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The Best National Parks in Israel

The Best National Parks in Israel

The small country of Israel is full of stunning natural and archeological landscapes. There are currently 81 national parks and 400 natural reserves, covering about 20 percent of the country. From desert valleys to dense wetlands to waterfalls, Israel’s national parks represent a variety of ecosystems. Read on for the best national parks and nature reserves in the country.

If you travel to Israel, you must see these places. There are many places to visit in the country that are historical and natural. If you have decided to travel the country, then this is the best for you. You must have an experienced guide about the historical places of the country, otherwise, these will be unknown to you. That’s why you must take a tour package. Have the best Israel tours package that will make your trip more enjoyable, and you can learn about the historical places.

Masada National Park

Situated on the top of an isolated hill overlooking the Dead Sea and the vast desert, Masada is one of the most scenic spots in Israel. Named after a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the plateau is a rebel entry point that the Romans besieged during the Great Rebellion in 73 and 74 CE. Snake paths Roman ramps paths before sunrise, and to watch the sunrise from above, it is customary to ascend to the summit of Masada through a stunning environment. There are a cable car from the mount top. Keep your eyes peeled for ibex, a kind of mountain goat with big curved horns, and enjoy the view of the vast desert from all sides.

Hermon Stream (Banias) Nature Reserve

Habitat for Israel’s largest and most powerful waterfall, Banias is located in the northeast corner of Israel, near the border with Lebanon and Syria, and just south of Mount Hermon. The royal waterfall is 32 feet high and runs down to a clear blue pond. There is a wooden boardwalk and hanging path that takes you closer to the waterfall, and the whole area is surrounded by forest. Near the spring is the cave of Pan, which is the ruins of a temple of the Greek god Pan of King Herod.

Beit Shean National Park

This archeological park in the Jordan Valley, 18 miles south of the Sea of Galilee, contains the incredible ruins of the ancient Roman and Byzantine city of Bit Shan. Visitors can see remnants of a second-century Roman theater, two Byzantine-era bathhouses, a Roman temple, and more. Bet Cheyenne Hill offers a panoramic view of the ancient city, Harrod Stream, an ancient truncated bridge, and beyond the Jordan River.

Ein Avdat National Park

Located in the stunning Sin Valley of the Negev Desert, this colorful canyon is surrounded by three fountains, an empty waterfall in deep water, and ancient caves inhabited by Nebatian and Catholic monks. It is full of natural hiking trails, and visitors can see ibex, vultures, sand rats, and other bird species.

Caesarea National Park

This impressive ancient city of the Mediterranean, halfway between Tel Aviv and Haifa. Originally an ancient Herodian port city, the site has been restored to create one of the most interesting archeological sites in Israel. The park hosts outdoor concerts at the amphitheater and has a variety of multimedia displays that show the city at different times. Aqueduct Beach, an ancient aquatic beach, is just outside and it is one of the best beaches in the country.

En Gedi Nature Reserve

The largest oasis in Israel, this desert reserve is one of the most popular parks in the country. Not far from the Dead Sea, located in the desert, the area is green and a stunning oasis of water, which makes visitors forget that they are actually in the desert. Cool and beautiful fountains, streams, pools, and waterfalls make it an ideal place to travel.

Gan Ha Shlosha National Park

This park with a warm spring-fed pool is about 4 miles west of Beit Shean. Also known as Sachne, there are green lawns around multiple pools for swimming. Swimming and picnicking on lawns is the main activity here, there is an ancient flour mill, a garden of biblical fruit trees like figs, and a leading settlement of pomegranates since 1936.

Mount Carmel National Park

Hula Nature Reserve

The largest national park in the country is 24,711 acres. Mount Carmel above the Mediterranean coast south of Haifa. Pine and Cypress forests and hiking trails, streams, and miles of campgrounds with many hills beside them where wild animals bash. Nature is protected in the park for the breeding of endangered animals and restoration of the wild environment, which is incomparable to see.

Hula Nature Reserve

About 20 miles north of the Sea of Galilee, these wetlands are an important place for migratory birds (various species of egret, heron, pelicans, ibis, cranes, and more) it’s one of the few wetlands in the Middle East. Visitors can wander through Hula Lake and its surrounding swamps and climb the observation tower to see cosmic migratory birds, and there is other wildlife here.

Makhtesh Ramon Nature Reserve

There are multiple holes across the Negev Desert, but Makhtesh Ramon is the largest at 25 miles long. Visitors can stand on the rim and go into the huge and natural hole, as well as we enter it and observe fossils, colored sand, igneous rocks, and much more. There are multiple campgrounds, hiking paths, and off-road vehicle trails, as well as an animal park featuring animals.

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