Project Girls’ Getaway: The Ultimate Guide To Traveling Abroad With Your Gal Pals

Recent studies reveal that young women these days are traveling more than men. This should come as no surprise since many women today are quite independent and professionally accomplished. It’s worth noting as well that belonging to a group of smart, confident and strong females means that you find great enjoyment in seeing the world with like-minded women.

The Ultimate Guide To Traveling

No wonder a lot of travel businesses specifically target single females and create tour packages with their interests in mind.

Needless to say, if you are a young woman with an adventurous spirit, traveling with your girlfriends is bound to be rather easy. There are different kinds of fun tour packages that you can take advantage of, and the global travel sector has made developments to ensure your safety.

But even with those provisions, it is still crucial to carefully plan your getaways with your close circle of girlfriends, especially if your destination is a country you all have never been to before.

To help you with this, here is the ultimate guide to traveling overseas with your closest gal pals.

1. Ask everybody what they want to do and create a workable itinerary

When exploring a new place with friends, you want to make sure that everybody has something to truly enjoy. Ask each member of the group to identify activities they are interested in. Afterwards, you must determine the location, travel time, and the cost of going to particular locations and trying the activities.

By doing this, you can avoid wasting precious vacation time on activities that you would not enjoy. Instead, you might even be able to create pockets of free time for new experiences.

2. Find out how you can get the most out of every location.

The Ultimate Guide To Traveling

This is particularly important if you will be traveling a long distance to get to a place that you all want to see.

For example, if you have decided on visiting an exclusive island resort for some fun under the sun, find out about the other attractions within the area and make the time to check them out, especially if you just have a resort day pass.

Try the restaurants, visit the workout rooms, and if there are special beach club events, try scheduling your visit during the time that will allow you to take part in the event. The idea here is to make this stop as worth it as possible.

3. Make sure that everybody plans their outfits beforehand.

It does not matter if any of you intend to take Instagram pics of your travel OOTDs or if you are all about dressing comfortably for your travel adventure. It’s important to ensure that no one in the group spends too much time getting dressed (which most women are guilty of) instead of fully soaking up new travel experiences.

For quick yet stylish dressing when traveling with your gals, take these tips from travel guru, Samantha Brown:

  • Make sure that you have an established color scheme. Why? This will make stylish mixing and matching clothing so much easier throughout the trip.
  • Bring multifunctional pieces such as a sarong, scarf, a billowy maxi dress, and maxi skirt. These pieces can be used for layering and worn in different ways. A scarf can be worn as a head cover and even a skirt; the same is true with a sarong. Maxi dresses and skirts, meanwhile, are simply versatile pieces of clothing that can easily go from casual to formal.
  • These are the few kinds of footwear to bring: flip flops, sneakers, and sexy heels. You can wear the flip flops to the beach, on the plane, and the bathroom. Sneakers, on the other hand, are perfect for long walks and when you want to squeeze in a workout during the tip. A lot of women even pair them with dresses. And the sexy heels are for dressing up any outfit when you go to fancy destinations.

4. Divide travel tasks.

vThe Ultimate Guide To Traveling

Share the responsibility of staying organized with each other. You all should be able to enjoy the trip, and one of the surefire ways of doing that is by spreading tasks among each other so nobody ever feels like she’s doing so much for the trip. Examples of such tasks would be keeping track of schedules and maps, registering for events, and booking transport or dining arrangements.

5. Make sure that all of you get to squeeze some “alone” time in your itinerary.

Just because it’s a girlfriends’ getaway does not mean that you have to do everything together all the time. Each girl should carve out some time for a solo experience that would make the trip truly memorable, such as doing yoga on the beach at sunrise, checking out a museum, trying a restaurant, haggling at the market, or meeting the locals.

Having some alone time to do your own thing will actually make the trip more enjoyable for all of you. Every girl will be able to personally indulge in an exciting activity that they are truly looking forward to.

This guide covers what’s truly important for a girls’ getaway. Follow these ideas and your trip abroad with your favorite girls will surely be an adventure to remember fondly.


Soraya Abdul Azis is the Marketing Manager for Saadiyat Beach Club in the UAE, the very first beach club on Saadiyat where guests can enjoy and celebrate a world of fine living, health and well-being. Soraya has worked in Design, Advertising and PR in Dubai and Beirut for the past 4 years.