Make Productive Use of Your Quarantine

Staying away from people is the last thing anyone would have thought of. Socialising is one of the prime activities that we practice. We have never been trained to isolate ourselves; this is something that time has taught us. Just a year ago there was no time called the ‘me time’ everyone had complaints about no personal time and no family time but today we have plenty. Now that the coronavirus is hard-hitting and the second wave is striking in a far higher degree. Self-quarantine as a precautionary measure helps to curb the spread if you are affected or not. This, however, raises many questions like what to do by just staying in one place? , how to make productive use of your quarantine? Or what are the ways to achieve quarantine productivity?

Here are few tips on how to be productive during quarantine;

Before you begin, make a to-do list or a checklist this will ensure there is some planned route to complete the work.

Clean –up,  Dress-up and De-clutter– Facing quarantine are difficult, making a routine to firstly clean up and getting dressed neatly will motivate and build confidence within you.   Cleaning up makes you feel calm and create a positive environment. When the surroundings are clean it gives positive energy which is very much in need. Too much clutter will drag you down and make you feel very uncomfortable. Create a great place with lovely interiors just by adding some plants, lights and enjoy your favourite food while you read or watch things that you like.

Plan a Schedule – Schedule is very effective. Our brain starts working according to the schedule when we plan to do something and make it a routine. For example, if you start waking up at a certain time in the morning every day the body gets used to it. Make a healthy routine for a complete day it will make you busy and organized.

Upskill– Generally, we don’t give time to learn anything new, try to think of your career. It firstly gives you a goal and tells you that there is a lot to achieve.  While you quarantine yourself instead of sulking about things plan and prioritize things that will be useful in your career. Get some advice from online consultants and join free classes. This will keep you updated on the trends in addition to building a proper schedule.

The Lifestyle ‘Act’– As you are alone you have all the time to think about your personal and professional life. Make an act that entails changes in your personal life like fitness goals, lifestyle goals – short term and long term, professional goals – think of how to improve your working and achieve targets. Build a “SMART” plan that keeps you motivated and builds hope.

Have Fun – Enjoy the digital space, as you have ample time at hand to make use of it to de-stress. Don’t think too much of the past as it won’t mend anything in the present. Happiness is the ultimate mood booster. Have fun by watching movies on the internet. Listen to good soothing music especially in the morning and while you sleep. Additionally, you can watch motivation videos that will help you to overcome the worries.  Imagine if you didn’t even have this window to the world, still, with the booming social media, you can never feel alone. In fact, that is exactly what people do when they are around people everyone is glued to the mobiles or computers using social media.

Join or Start an Online Business – If you are professional make use of the time and start some online workshops don’t expect it to bring money. It will keep you busy and occupied and makes you use the time efficiently. At the same time, it will help you to build a network even if it is a small one consistency is the key. If you want to learn instead you can join some classes.

As much as you need to have a routine to keep you busy it is also important to be flexible with time and accomplishment of tasks. Don’t push yourself too much to complete things. Listen to your mind and body.