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How To Choose A Pet Shipping Company

How To Choose A Pet Shipping Company

We love our pets very much and always want them to be with us no matter what, sometimes we are in situations when we have to travel a long distance through flight or other option but the problem arises when our airline is not allowing us to take our pets because of their policies of or other things coming in between, in such cases, we select the option of shipping our pets through pet shipping agencies. But it is also a very difficult task to choose the best pet shipping agency which is reliable and comfortable as the comfort of our pets while traveling is a very serious concern, we don’t want them to be uneasy during the journey.

So before choosing a pet shipping agency for your pet there are certain things that you should look upon prior to making the final decision as all the agencies promise you that their service is best and you get confused about whom to believe.

To make this task easy for you we are here with the things you should look upon to choose the best pet shipping company for your pet.

Check Usda Approval:

Always see if the company you are hiring for shipping your pet has the approval by the USDA, USDA is an agency which looks that the pets are safe while traveling and are getting proper care by the shipping company, they approve the shipping companies who are meeting the specific requirements that are good for the pets and ensuring their comfortable travel, and therefore a company that is having USDA approval will really be having good customer satisfaction, which is a good reason to choose them.

Concern People Who Also Have Pets:

Talk to people who have already done this shipping their pet thing and ask for their experience with the particular company they choose, because real-time experience matters a lot rather than just believing in some company. They can also refer you to some best companies and the things that you should take care of your pet before the shipping process.

Ipata Membership:

Ask the company you are seeing that if they have a membership of the International Pet and Animal Transport Association(IPATA) because the companies who are members of IPATA offers the best quality services and also gives you the surety that the company has a concern about pet’s welfare, these members are also very expert in pet transportation as they have so much experience in this field, believe me, you can trust them in terms of their service therefore always remember to ask the pet shipping company about their membership with IPATA.

Arrangement For Paperwork:

Shipping your pet requires a lot of paperwork which is really very hectic and time-consuming, pet shipping companies know the exact papers you need to ship your pet, so before finalizing your decision ask your company to arrange the paperwork for you, most of the companies will agree on this, doing this will really prevent you from a headache.

Look For How Long Has The Company Is Transporting Pets:

This is a very important thing to consider, choosing a company which is shipping pets for a long period can really ensure that your pet is in the right hands, as they have much experience to handle the pets and know their necessity more accurately, so choosing such companies would be a plus point for you.

Experience Of The Staff:

Ask your travel company about their staff who will be handling your pets, if they have staff who are serving them from a longer period of time other than the new trained one then it would also be a good point to choose the particular company, but also look for the other things with this which we have told you above.

The Company Must Have Airlines Approved Cages:

There are some specifications of the kennels that your pet will be in while traveling with the airlines, some companies will tell you to buy those for yourself, but on the other hand, some will take this matter in their hand only, buying a perfect kennel according to the airlines will be costly and difficult for you, so always choose a company that will provide it on their own.

The Company Should Have Preferred Airlines:

It will be very good for you if the company you are going to choose for pet shipping will be working with a specific airline for a long period. It shows that the reputation of the company is very good.


Now you know about what you should know about the company before hiring them for your pet. If the company you are consulting to is fulfilling all the above things then go choose it without a second thought.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1: Will The Pet Shipping Company Arrange The Paperwork For Me?

Yes, the companies will definitely arrange the paperwork for you and make your work easy as paperwork requires a lot of time.

Question 2: Is It Important That A Company Should Have Usda Approval?

It depends on you on whom you want to trust, it’s just that a company having USDA approval will offer a more comfortable journey for your pet.

Question 3: Should I Buy A Kennel For My Pet By Myself Or Rely On The Company?

If the company you are choosing offers the pet cages then do not even think of buying a kennel by yourself, it will be a wastage of money only.

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