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3 Tips On How To Fly With An Emotional Support Animal

3 Tips On How To Fly With An Emotional Support Animal

The emotional support animals assist individuals who have emotional, psychological, or cognitive disabilities. You only need to have the advanced approval for bringing the emotional support with you in cabins, but certain emotional support animal requirements must be fulfilled while traveling with them in airplanes.

Here are a few tips that need to be considered while flying with the emotional support animals:

Tip #1:- Keep Essential Documents

At the time of traveling in an airplane with your emotional support animal must keep the necessary documents of your pet with you. Try to keep the Medical / Mental Health Professional Form with you along with the vaccination record form of your animal especially with the current rabies vaccination information. And the confirmation of animal behavior form with you as well to make sure for providing the necessary documents to the management for the acceptance of animal travel with you.

Tip #2:- Notify The Age And Placement

One important thing while taking the emotional support animals with you is to make sure that the animal must be 4 months old (it may vary as per the requirements of airlines) or older and should be cleaned and well-behaved. The size of the animal should be equivalent to the size of the well-grown dog but not more than it. At the time of taking those with you to fly make sure that he will be able to sit under your seat or on your laps. But lap animals should be smaller than the 2 years old baby. You cannot have the final approval to take your animal with until and unless the management makes sure that your animal will be able to sit under your seat. Whereas, if the animal is in a cage, then it must be fitted under the seat in front of you with the animal in it. If in case the size of your animal is too large or too heavy to be accommodated safely in the cabin then you should rebook the flight with more open seats for your animal. Buy a separate ticket for your animal for his comfortable traveling or you may need to transport the animal as a checked pet

Tip #3:- Examine The Seating Row

Make sure that the animals may not be seated in the exit row. They can occupy a place next to your seat only if it’s empty but not in the front or exit row. The animals are not allowed to sit or stand in the pathways. The passageways should not be protruded because of your animal. As well as make sure that your animal is eating from a tray table. Teach him before taking to the fly to eat in a table tray to maintain the level of discipline in the airplane. Keep the essential food items liked by your animals and nappies with you to avoid any haphazard while flying.


Taking your emotional support animal with you is not a difficult task at all. But the following few important tips can make your travel plan with your emotional support animal easy and comfortable.

Follow the tips, enjoy the trip!

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